Utm Zones Shapefile Download
Posted : admin On 31.08.2019Will this do: I haven't taken a close look at it, but it looked like it has the exceptions on there. World UTM Zones represents the Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) zones of the world. Purpose: World UTM Zones provides the zones and the latitude and longitude values that are used to project each six-degree-wide zone according to the UTM projection. TimePeriodofContent: TimePeriodInformation: MultipleDates/Times: SingleDate/Time.
/ / World utm zones shapefile World utm zones shapefileName: World utm zones shapefileFile size: 30mbLanguage: EnglishRating: 6/10World UTM Zones represents the Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) zones of The layer symbolizes the 6-degree wide zones employed for UTM projection. This layer presents the Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) Zones of the world. The layer symbolizes the 6 degree wide zones employed for UTM projection. Folks, I've been looking for a shapefile or even layer file of the world wide UTM Zone map. I deal with widely separated sites and sometimes. Summary World UTM Zones represents the Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM ) zones of the world. Description The polygons represent the.
Abstract: World UTM Zones represents the Universal Transverse Mercator. LogicalConsistencyReport: The shapefile is converted to SDC (Smart Data.Will this do: mervipetga.ga I haven't taken a close look at it, but it looked like it has the.
UTM Grid Zones of the World compiled by Alan Morton. There are 60 longitudinal projection zones numbered 1 to 60 starting at °W. Each of these zones is 6. DESIGN UTM divides the earth into 60 zones, each 6° wide in longitude (with the exception of a few non-standard-width zones for Svalbard Click the Link To Download UTM Zone Boundaries Shapefile.shp) MGRS GZD WorldWide. Eventually more UTM polyline shapefiles will be made available on our image are based off Military Grid Reference System (MGRS) grid zone designations. World UTM Zones represents the Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) zones of The layer symbolizes the 6-degree wide zones employed for UTM projection.This layer presents the Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) Zones of the world.
The layer symbolizes the 6 degree wide zones employed for UTM projection. Summary World UTM Zones represents the Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM ) zones of the world. Description The polygons represent the. Folks, I've been looking for a shapefile or even layer file of the world wide UTM Zone map.
I deal with widely separated sites and sometimes. Eventually more UTM polyline shapefiles will be made available on our image are based off Military Grid Reference System (MGRS) grid zone designations. DESIGN UTM divides the earth into 60 zones, each 6° wide in longitude (with the exception of a few non-standard-width zones for Svalbard Click the Link To Download UTM Zone Boundaries Shapefile.shp) MGRS GZD WorldWide.More:.
GIS Standards GIS StandardsI found thepage on Standards to be a useful starting point in 2006, but I'm nolonger seeing that page. There's now an Idaho Geospatial Office, with anthat's not it. The Department of WaterResources index for.Anyway, I thought I might improve and update the 'standards'presentation from back then. This treatment elides references to theparticular data Inside Idaho provides and offers some referencelinks. (7 years (!) on, some may be stale.
Let me know.) Quick TOC: ProjectionThe general topic of map projections is nicely explained and illustratedon. The USGS describes, illustrates andagainst the best (but notthe handiest) model we have: the globe. IDTMThe Idaho Transverse Mercator (IDTM) projection is the Idaho statestandard, providing for a single zone to cover the whole state.provides detailedbackground and links to current projection parameters, including thewith IDTM projection parameters. UTM zones 11 and 12 UTMMany federal entities maintain data in the Universal Transverse Mercator(UTM) projection.
Idaho is split into two UTM zones: Zone 11 (west of114° W longitude) and Zone 12 (east of 114° W longitude). ISU hasin its nicely illustrated. GeographicSome federal entities maintain data in a Geographic Coordinate System.The geographic projection creates a rectangular map by spacing the linesof latitude and longitude equally. State PlaneMany local entities maintain data in a State Plane projection.
Refer tothe metadata for a given theme to determine the specific parameters forany given State Plane projection. Idaho's state plane has three zones.NOAA has a page for.
DatumAs used here, a 'datum' is a set of constants specifying the coordinatesystem for calculating the location of points on the Earth.See the National Geodetic Survey's FAQ for.Most data are available referenced to either NAD27 (North American Datumof 1927) or NAD83 (1983). Refer to the metadata for a given theme todetermine the datum.Chuck Taylor's Toolbox has awith reusablejavascript code. The web form uses the WGS84 datum (similar to NAD83),but his Java applet has a huge selection of datums that can be used, andcompared.
GIS Data Formats (download files) CompressionGIS data sets are typically large, and comprise multiple files. They'retypically bundled and compressed into a single archive. One commoncompressed format is a gzipped tar ('tape archive') file, '.tgz'Free and low-cost utility software for handling these are available frommany sources. See, or,pages for more information.
Drawing Interchange File (.dxf)The Drawing Interchange file (DXF) format, is an industry standardinterchange file format used to transfer data between CAD and GISapplications. ESRICoverageA coverage is a proprietary vector format used by ESRI software.Coverages are the original storage format for ArcInfo. Coverages are acollection of files located in multiple directories. ESRI Shapefiles (.shp)A shapefile stores non-topological geometry and attribute informationfor the spatial features in a data set. A shapefile consists of atleast 3 and possibly more files:. a main file (.shp), storing the geometry;. an index file (.shx);.
a database (dBASE) file (.dbf) that stores the attributes of theshapes in the main file;.an optional file (.prj) stores the projection information.The July 1998describes the required elements of theformat in technical detail. ESRI Interchange (.e00)The ESRI E00 interchange data format allows all spatial and descriptiveinformation for vectors and rasters to be combined into a single ASCIIfile.
The file can be used to move themes into and out of ESRIsoftware. ESRI GRIDThe ESRI data format for storing raster data that defines geographicspace as an array of equally sized square cells arranged in rows andcolumns. Each cell stores a value representing a geographic attribute(such as elevation) for that unit of space. Grid cells are referencedby x,y coordinates. GeoTIFF (.tif)The public domain Tagged Image File Format (TIFF), developed by Aldus(now part of Adobe) Corporation, is an industry standard for rasterimage data.
Utm Map Texas
GeoTIFF extends the format for description of associatedcartographic information for images originating from satellite imagingsystems, scanned aerial photography, scanned maps, digital elevationmodels, and geographic analyses. It provides the means to tie a rasterimage to a known model space or map projection. IBN (.ibn)Proprietary binary format for data from LIDAR (LIght Detection AndRanging, analogous to radar). Lidar is used with an airborne scanninglaser rangefinder to produce accurate topographic surveys.
JPEG2000 (.jp2,.jpm)providesinternational standards that extend the image format (.jpg) withwavelet compression that offers both lossless and lossy compression,with better image quality at smaller filesizes than.jpg. The formatprovides for metadata (such as geolocation of the image) but doesnot specify GIS explicitly.JPEG2000, Part 6 (for mixed raster content), also known as JPM format, isaimed at compressing scanned color documents containing bitonal elementsas well as continuous tone images.
MrSID (.sid)Multi-resolution Seamless Image Database (MrSID) is a proprietary format(LizardTech, Inc.) that uses wavelet-based image encoding andcompression for the large raster images used in GIS work. Seefor technical information. TIFF with a World File (.tif,.tfw)A world file (.tfw) accompanying a Tagged Image File Format (TIFF) filecontains spatial information associated with the raster image. Theseare used for (DRG) data (e.g.
The worldfile contains the ground coordinates of the upper left pixel of the TIFFimage (the 1,1 or 0,0 pixel, depending on convention), scale androtation information. World files do not contain projection and datuminformation. TIGER/Line (.tgr)The Topologically Integrated Geographic Encoding and Referencing(TIGER) system was built in 1995 as a proof of concept of abasic Web mapping application.
Utm Zone Finder
From:'It was never intended to be a general purpose mapping application to fill everymapping need. We've had extremely limitedresources since then to add improvements. We will make incrementalimprovements as resources permit.' In collaboration with private contractors, the Census Bureau isdeveloping a new service. USGSdem (.dem)A Digital Elevation Model (DEM) is digital cartographic datain raster form.
Terrain elevations for ground positions are sampledat regularly spaced horizontal intervals. DEMs are derived from contourline data and/or photogrammetric methods using topographic maps.More information is available.The USGS provides thefor raster, elevation, and vector datasets.
USGSdoq (.bil)are aerial photographs that have been rectified to have thescale and geometry of a map, and joined or cut to cover the same area asUSGS topographic map quadrangles. The native format of these files is asingle ban-interleaved-by-line (BIL) file with a keyword text header.The can read this native USGS format. Thehas scripts to enable viewing DOQsin ArcView and Arc/Info.Note: Inside Idaho listed (.sws,.ses,.nws,.nes) suffixes, but Iwasn't able to find other references that had those. Live Data & Map Services Formats'Live' data and maps provide interactive content, either viamap images generated from data on the map server and delivered to a webbrowser (or other program), or compressed vector data streamed to you anddisplayed in GIS software on your computer.
Googleuse javascript and server-generated map and photographic imageryto create interactive maps, with an availablethat allows 3rd parties to developlocation-based applications based on their service.is a standaloneapplication that 'puts a planet's worth of imagery and other geographicinformation right on your desktop' with compelling 3D imagery. ArcIMSdelivers dynamic maps and GIS data via the Web, tobrowser-based applications, their ArcGIS Desktop, mobile and wirelessdevices. Data are delivered either as server-generated map images or incompressed vector format to client-side GIS software. WMSis a non-profit, international standards organization forgeospatial and location based services. Its Web Map Server interfacespecification (WMS 1.0) allows map servers to create and send mapimagery over the Web as GIF, PNG, or JPEG images such that clientsoftware can overlay and display multiple maps from multiple servers(and vendors). Thepools efforts from some large organization, but their web presence makesit feel somewhat defunct at this point. (No entries in their FAQ underWMS or Clearinghouse.) Maybe thehas run out?
TerraServerThis cooperative venture between MicrosoftHewlett-Packard, and the US Federal governemnt was launched withworldwide images in 1998. It has bifurcated toand, from the companythat which originally supplied the imagery for non-US locations(then Aerial Images, Inc.). Other web mapping sitesLaunched as 'Virtual Earth,'looks a lot likeGoogle Maps, complete with the 'beta' public release. Probably just acoincidence, eh?is focused on streets anddriving directions, adds 'blockview images' with user-supplied photographicviews at various locations.
Is likewise about navigating by street, and advertising. Static Map ImagesStatic map imagery can be captured in various familiar static formats,including Adobe's Portable Document Format (PDF), GIF, JPEG, PNG,and TIFF.Saturday, 21-Sep-2013 16:36:53 MDThttp://www.fortboise.org/maps/GISstandards.html.