Theta Healing Technique Pdf Creator
Posted : admin On 25.08.2019Read Book ThetaHealing PDF books.1.Read Book ThetaHealing PDF books.Book DetailsAuthor: Vianna StibalPages: 282Binding: HardcoverBrand:ISBN:.DescriptionThetaHealing is the newest, much anticipated book by Vianna Stibal. A compilation of her former books, Go Up and Seek God, Go Up and Work with God,transcripts of classes as well as new information and experiences, ThetaHealing gives an in-depth insight into this intriguing phenomenon that has spreadthroughout the world. This is a rare book that ThetaHealing novices and advanced practitioners alike will understand and gain knowledge from. ThetaHealing isyour personal guide through many different exercises and concepts that were previously learned only through seminar attendance. In it, Vianna speaks first-hand about her own intuitive experiences leading up to the creation of the ThetaHealing in addition to events in her life that led her to where she is today.Through step-by-step instruction, diagrams, pictures, and real-life examples, you are sure to feel compelled to practice with this interactive book in the quest forimproving your life. ThetaHealing once again promises an exciting and fulfilling adventure into Vianna s one of a kind technique, given to her by the Creator of.If you want to download this book, click link in the next page.Download or read ThetaHealing by click link belowDownload or read ThetaHealingOR.Thank You For Visiting.
THETAHEALING, THETAHEALER, the THETA HEALING shield logo and THInK/THETA HEALING INSTITUTE OF KNOWLEDGE are registered trademarks. Seminars and sessions in the ThetaHealing meditation technique are available exclusively from an Instructor and Practitioner certified in the ThetaHealing technique. The exercise you learned is an adaptation of Vianna Stibal’s Theta Healing visualization. The basis of Theta Healing is to reach a Theta mind state and use that for all kinds of applications from changing subconscious beliefs to spiritual healing and psychic work.
Distance Healing Sessions: How and Why They WorkWhat is Distance Healing? Distance healing is any form ofhealing energy 'sent' across time and space that is received and has ahealing effect on the recipient. With this type of work, you do not haveto be physically present with the healer to receive the healing.
Itmay be done over the phone or at a special time set aside and agreedupon between you and the practitioner.This type of healing isequally effective as an in person healing because in alternative energyhealing and holistic medicine therapies, we are working with thephysical, emotional and mental aspects of an individual by accessing theindividual’s energy body. The energy body can be accessed easily fromanywhere and at any time and does not require you to be physicallypresent with the practitioner.The Illusion of Time and Space Thearchetypal perception that most of us live in in this physical realityis one that is conditional and dual. What does that mean exactly? Well,for most of us, our experience of this physical reality is governed bythe perceptions that time and space are real and fixed. We live insideof time and space meaning that our perceptions are locked into thisparadigm that things are not only separated by distance, but that timeonly moves in one direction-forward.This perception,particularly the perception of time, is one of the things that keeps usfirmly rooted in the physical world and yet at the same time may alsolimit our ability to manifest change and experience instant healings.
Shamanic healers will tell you that time is an 'illusion'.This illusion exists onlybecause we have believed it to be true and serves a good purpose—itkeeps us grounded in the physical experience which is right where weneed to be to live and go about our daily activities. But at the sametime this perception can limits us from a greater understanding andexperience of life. The good news is that like all perceptions, thisillusion of time and space can be transcended or altered at will withproper practice.How Does a Healer Transcend Time and Space? When a healer facilitates a distance healing, he or she is going outsideof time and space. She is altering her perception by any number oftechniques.
In the Theta healing technique for example the practitioner slows herbrainwaves to the theta wave which activates what is known in shamanismas the “waking dream” state. She is changing her perception or vantagepoint to a place where time and space are not fixed, where there is noseparation between things and where time flows not only forward butbackwards. Where in time she decides to go is dependent only on whereshe decides to place her awareness.Scientific Underpinnings Whatthe healers, shamans, and practitioners of holistic medicine have knownfor millennia modern science is now just beginning to understand andexplain. Recent discoveries in quantum physics now provide thescientific underpinning for many of the holistic healing phenomenon wehave seen for millennia.What quantum physics has revealed (atleast in theory) is that time is not fixed, nor is it linear, onlyflowing in one direction.
Time is fluid and flows both forwards andbackwards simultaneously. Your future can thus affect your as much asyour past. Your past can be altered as much as your future. From thisperspective everything is happening at once, there is no past and nofuture, only the present moment.What science is also revealingabout space or 'distance' between objects is that they are actually notseparate as they may seem. Though we experience things as being separatefrom us this again is merely a perception of our limited belief in theillusion that time and space are fixed.Quantum Entanglement Whatscience has shown on this topic is based on what is called 'quantumentanglement'.
This theory of 'quantum entanglement' was proven with astudy done in 1997 by scientists at the University of Geneva inSwitzerland. Using photons of light, which is the “Stuff” that ouruniverse is made of, the scientists revealed that two photons created bydividing a single photon into two “twins” act and behave as if they arestill one and the same, or as if they had never been separated.Thereforeif the universe was born of the same matter, then it cannot bydefinition ever be separated.
Theta Healing Technique Book
In other words it is all a hologram-thepiece contains the whole and in fact the piece is the whole andvice versa. To read and learn more amazing scientific discoveries thatexplain how the interconnection and communication between things thatappear separate is actually not only possible but absolute can be foundby reading The Divine Matrix by Gregg Braden.How is Distance Healing Possible? Sowhen we talk about distance healing, some alternative energy healerswill say that they are 'sending' energy across time and space to therecipient, or that the healing energy 'travels' through the fiber opticsto get to the person on the other end of the phone.
But this is againincorrect and these statements only bolster the illusion that time andspace are solid and fixed.In reality the energy does not'travel' anywhere. It is simply 'sent' and received' by intention aloneand is instantly 'transmitted'.
As you see even our language is set upto reinforce this belief that time and space are fixed and that objectsare separate from one another.As I write this, I am hardpressed to find a word that describes how the recipient is instantlyaffected by the distance healing without using wording and terminologythat is limited by our current paradigm of time and space. Nonetheless,if you can understand that from an altered state of perception, one canperceive and experience a different relationship to time and space youwill begin to understand how this is possible.The Waking Dream Sate Ina healer’s world this perception feels like a waking dream. When wealter our brainwaves to the theta state for example, one is able tounderstand, perceive and experience a sense of the unity of all thingsand that there is no distance between things and no separation.Froma state of altered perception the healer is able to then instantlyaccess information about the client and also instantly 'transmit'healing energy to the client. From this vantage point everything, pastfuture and present are all happening at once. All points of informationare readily available and the healer only needs to ask to see certainreference points to gain knowledge or to change events and outcomes.Does Distance Healing Work? Theanswer to this question is YES!
Distance healing works equally as wellas an in person healing session. In my practice I love doing thetelephone healing sessions because all I have to work with is the energybody. I like this because I am less likely to be distracted by thephysical body and often get extremely accurate readings with just aspositive results as I do when you come into the office for a session.An Amazing Story about Distance Healing Anothercool story that a friend of mine who is an acupuncturist shared with mealso illustrates the effectiveness of distance healing. He told me ofan acupuncturist friend of his who does acupuncture therapies with hisclients over the phone!This practitioner has a doll with allthe meridian points on it. Java platform enterprise edition. He will have the client on the other end ofthe line and will then gently insert the needles into the appropriatemeridian points according to their presenting symptoms and treatmentprotocol. His clients report feeling tingling sensations in the areaswhere he is placing the needles and also report a reduction of symptoms!What is happening here is that by the power of the practitionerintending to affect an area on the remote subject, the intended effectis received by the willing and participating client.
So this type ofdistance work 'works' for many types of alternative healing modalities.It’s about the power of intention, the belief of the healer, and thereceptivity of the receiver. Yes, it does work!Always Get Permission to do A Distance Healing Ithink it is also appropriate here to point out that in any healingprofession the consent of the client is vital. Sending energy intosomeone’s space without their knowledge or consent is not ethical evenif the intentions are to heal. It is always important to get theclient’s permission when 'doing' a healing.It also goesto say that one should use distance energy work only for doing good.Casting curses or intending to harm another via distance energy work is aserious violation of universal laws and will absolutely come back tobite you hard. Use distance healing work only in service to the Creatorof All that Is and for the highest good for all involved, and withpermission!What about Prayer?
Having said thathowever, I have the personal belief that intercessory prayer is alwayspermissible. It’s always okay to pray for someone’s well being. Howeverif you engage in this type of prayer I recommend that you be careful ofhow you are 'praying'. Are you asking for your beliefs and will to beimposed on another or are you asking God, Angels, Universe, to do whatis best and optimal for the recipient. Check your motivations. If it isanything other than the latter of the two you should probably refrainfrom this type of prayer until you can let go of the need to control theoutcome or impose your desires and beliefs onto another.Telephone Healing Themajority of the types of distance healings that I do are telephonehealing sessions.
Sometimes I may do the healing session at a separatetime where the client does not need to be on the phone, however for mostof the sessions the reading and healing requires the activeparticipation of the client and so having them on the telephone isnecessary to accomplish the work.As I mentioned earlier somehealers will tell you that the healing is 'traveling' over the fiberoptics of the phone line, but really it has nothing to do with that.The phone connection is only necessary so that I can communicate withyou, get feedback, permission, etc. The healing transcends time andspace and the physical phone line has nothing to do with the efficacy ofthe healing.Learn to do Distance Healing!Check out to learn how to do distance healing.Learn how to do Distance Healing! Check out our course: And learn how to do distance healing.