Terjemah Umdatul Ahkam Pdf
Posted : admin On 11.09.2019Explanation of Umdatul Ahkaam – by Saleh as Saleh Transcripts of the lectures on ‘umdatul ahkaam – Book of PurificationThere is no action without intentionThe prayer of a person who does hadath (passes, urine, stool or wind) is not accepted till he performs (repeats) the ablutionWoe to dry heels because of HellfireIf anyone of you performs ablution he should put water in his nose and then blow it out and whoever cleans his private parts with stones should do so with odd numbers. And whoever wakes up from his sleep should wash his hands three times before putting them in the water for ablution, because nobody knows where his hands were during sleep.None amongst you should urinate in standing water, and then wash in it.If a dog drinks from the utensil of anyone of you it is essential to wash it seven times.
Buku Fikih Bukhari Muslim adalah Terjemah Taisirul Alam Syarh Umdatul Ahkam Nama Buku: Fikih Hadits Bukhari Muslim Ukuran/Hal: 17 x 24 cm/ 1176 halaman/. Buku Terjemah Umdatul Ahkam, Hadits-hadits Pilihan dari Bukhari Muslim Buku ini bisa sebagai ganti Buku Pilar-pilar Hukum Islam Terjemah Umdatul Ahkam yang sudah pernah diterbitkan. Kitab Umdahtul Ahkam, adalah kitab hadits salah satu referensi Islam dalam memahami permasalah fikih yang diambil dari hadits-hadits pilihan dalam kitab Bukhari dan.
If the hadeeth isfound in Sahih Al-Bukhari in more than one place then I havereferenced it fully. The reason for doing this is because it is easy tounderstand the fiqh of the hadeeth. Moreover, I have givencomplete explanation to every hadeeth and all the verses andahaadeeth that I have used in my explanation are completelyreferenced. All the references used in this book are all fromEnglish translations and only few books whose English translationsare not available or that I do not have are referenced from Arabicbooks. I do not have the English translation of Sunan At-Tirmithee;similarly, I do not have English translation of Musnad of ImaamAhmad ibn Hambal, therefore, their references are from the ArabicBooks.EXPLANATION OF ‘UMDATUL-AHKAAM4BOOK OFPURIFICATIONSignificance of Purification in Islam:Islam laid a great emphasis on cleanliness of body along withcleanliness of mind because the former leads to the latter. TheGlorious Qur’aan stressed a great emphasis on cleanliness andpurification. Its significance is mentioned in the Glorious Quraan:“In it there are men who like to remain pure.
Verily Allaahloves the pure ones'. At-Tuawbah: 9: 108.“O one clothed! Arise and warn, and Thy Lord do magnify,and cleanliness do shun'.
Al-Muddathir: 74: 1-5.“O you who believe! When you rise up to prayer, wash yourfaces and your hands.' Al-Maidah: 5: 6.Purification leads one the Paradise:The Prayer is compulsory upon every Muslim, man or a womanwho reached the stage of puberty. The one, who does not offerfive daily prayers after reaching the stage of puberty, is considereddisbeliever according to the majority of the jurists and Imaams.Most naturally, the one who does not offer five daily prayers willnever take of purity of his body, cloth, or place. Thus such personwill be put to the Hell-Fire. Most naturally, the one who offers fivedaily prayers will be very careful about the purity of his body, cloth,and place. Thus, such person will most certainly go to theParadise.The Prophet has also stressed great emphasis on purification andcleanliness of the body, clothes, and place.
Purification of thebody, cloth, and place is one the main conditions for validity of theEXPLANATION OF ‘UMDATUL-AHKAAM5Prayer. The Prayer in one of the five pillars of Islam, and it iscompulsory to take bath before prayer in case of impurities, andwash of all exposed bodily limbs before each prayer. Islamemphasizes on cleanliness that the Prophet said that no prayer isaccepted without purification of bodily impurities, and thatcleanliness is half of faith and that it is the door to Paradise.The Prophet ( ) said: Cleanliness is half of faith.,” 1The object is to keep oneself pure externally and internally.External purity leads to internal purity.
One can only be healthy ifhe regularly keeps himself clean. Hence, to pray five times a dayone has to perform ablution to offer the prayer.
This is one of bestway to keep oneself pure and clean.HADEETH ONEA A1& “dll.Ull C la.x. (JLa J.nxll 4il ^ J CjllaaJSl ^)xC. 41 UijlS jJ Oi l$j-a I Jillj LxjIj -(auJIj y CjLjjHj JLxotll LxjI jjlft jjpj ji (jV; dulii Lh°J j j 4lll j.(( a2 L J1 -Narrated ‘Umar (bin Al-Khattaab): Allaah’s Messenger ( ) said,“The reward of deeds depends upon the intention and everyperson will get the reward according to what he has intended,So whoever emigrated for Allaah and His Messenger ( ) thenhis emigration was for Allaah ( ) and His Apostle ( ). Andwhoever emigrated for worldly benefits or for a woman tomarry, his emigration was what he emigrated for. ” 21 SAHIH MUSLIM: (Eng.): vol. 432.2 SAHIH AL BUKHARI (Eng.): vol.
The book of Oaths and Vows, chapter: (23): The intention in taking oaths: vol. The Book of Tricks, chapter: (1): Avoiding the use of tricks. And everybody will get the rewardaccording to his intention in taking oaths and other things: vol. 85.SAHIH MUSLIM: (Eng.): The Book Of Imaarah: (The book on Government): Chapter: (798): Thevalue of an action depends on the intention behind it: vol. 4692.SUNAN AT-TIRMITHEE (ARB): Kitaab Al-Jihaad: chapter (16) Ruling about the one who fights forthe sake of people and for the worldly purpose: vol. (Albaanee).SUNAN NASA’I-: (Eng.) Kitaab At-Tahaarah (Book Of Purification): Chapter: (60): Pertaining toNeeyah (intention) for Ablution: vol.
76.SUNAN ABU DAWUD: (Eng.): Kitaab At-Talaaq (The Book of Divorce): Chapter: (727): Onallusions of Divorce and on intentions: vol. 2195.EXPLANATION OF ‘UMDATUL-AHKAAM6EXPLANATION OF THE FIQH OF THE HADEETH: (1):The Prophet ( ) said this on the occasion of someone’s emigrationfrom Makkah to Madeenah not for the sake of the Islamic Causebut to marry a woman who was called Ummul Qays, who hadstipulated that he should emigrate if he wanted to marry her.Hence, he did migrate to Madeenah, and was titled emigrant ofUmmul Qays because he married her.This hadeeth forms the sum and substance of the teaching ofIslam. It is one of the fundamental principles of law in all ages. Thishadeeth implies a general principle, i.e. One is rewarded for hisdeeds according to his real intentions not according to his actualdeeds, which might be good in them but motivated, by an illintention.
The rewards for the Emigrants differ according to theirintentions, i.e. Whether they emigrated for worldly benefits or forthe Pleasure of Allaah and His Messenger. The acceptance of anaction for reward by Allaah depends on the nature of an intentionfor which an action is done.
If the intention working behind andaction is sincere and the action is done for seeking thecountenance of Allaah, the action is accepted and rewarded byAllaah. Contrary to it, if the motive behind an action is to gain someworldly benefits or earn a good name in the world and there is nobit of sincerity in seeking the pleasures of Allaah, then the actionwill have no worth and weight in the Hereafter.
Instead, the manwill be punished for such action, as it is not based on goodintention. In the Hereafter, everyone will be judged according to hisintentions.Significance of sincere intention in the life:The main object of the life of a Muslim, from the beginning to theend is to achieve the pleasure of Allaah. All his energies should,therefore, be directed to the achievement of this single goal. Thedeed, however noble it may superficially appear, or task, howevergreat and useful it may seem to the people, has no value in Islam ifit is not done or undertaken purely for the love of Allaah. The workSUNAN IBN-I-MAJAH: (Eng.): Kitaab Az-Zuhd (The book of Piety): Chapter: (26): Intention: vol.5, p. 4227.MUSNAD IMAM AHMAD.EXPLANATION OF ‘UMDATUL-AHKAAM7done for other means and ends, besides seeking the pleasure ofAllaah, is valueless in Islam.Unfortunately however, form has been more important now a daythan spirit, and religion has now become unimportant thing in life ofthe human beings.
This hadeeth is considered to be one of thegreat principles of the Divine Faith. It purifies the heart of a manfrom all kinds of impurities, e.g. Mannerism, showing off, ignoblepursuits of life, love for wealth, power, pride, and vanity, andmakes him a silent, honest and untiring worker in the cause ofAllaah, absolutely free from the love of low desires.
This hadeethalso solves one of the problems of ethics pertaining to therelationship of ends and means.Herein the Messenger of Allaah clearly told us that for theachievement of the good ends, it is essential that the meansshould also be good and above all the intention for which thosemeans are to be employed should also be good. The golden lockis opened with golden key. It is with pious intention one shouldpursue noble ends and one should achieve noble goals. If theintention is not noble, the end is bound to be ignoble, though itmay not appear to be so to the superficial observer.Sincere intention and worship:According to all jurists and Imaams that sincere intention(NEEYAH) is a condition precedent to the validity of an action, andan action without Neeyah is void.
Syarah Umdatul Ahkam
All kind of worship like, Prayer,Fasting, Pilgrimage, and Zakaat will be accepted or rejected basedon the intention. Allaah will accept these acts of worship only whenit is carried out purely to please Him alone.
One must have sincereintention before carrying out any act of worship. The Prophet hasnot specified any particular words of expression while makingintention (neeyah).
Therefore, it is bid‘ah (innovation in the religion)to utter words while making neeyah.Bid ‘ah or Innovation in Islam:The Messenger of Allaah has said very serious statementregarding the innovation in the religion. He said:EXPLANATION OF ‘UMDATUL-AHKAAM8“The best word is the Book of Allaah and the best way is thatof Muhammad ( ). The worst deed is innovation and eachinnovation is a deviation from Islam.” 3The above hadeeth is very clear that nothing can be better thanthe Glorious Qur’aan and the Sunnah of the Prophet ( ). It is alsovery clear that innovation in the religion is the worst of deeds, andit will deviate an innovator from Islam. He further said in anotherhadeeth:“Every deviation from Islam leads to Hell-fire.’’ 4It is clear from the above statement that innovation in the religionwill lead an innovator to the Hell-Fire. Further, it is mentioned inthe hadeeth that the innovator’s deeds are not accepted.
TheMessenger of Allaah did not considered him amongst Muslims.Aayshah has reported another hadeeth saying that the Messengerof Allaah said:“Whoever invents something in our faith which does notoriginally exist, has nothing to do with us.' Imaam Muslim has recorded the above hadeeth in his book SAHIHMUSLIM (Eng.): Kitaab Al-Aqdeeyah (The Book Pertaining toJudicial Decisions): vol. 4266-7.The innovator in the above hadeeth is not considered amongstMuslims.Aayshah reported that the Prophet ( ) said:“Whoever does an act which is not in agreement with ourfaith, such an act is rejected.
’’Imaam Al-Bukhaaree has mentioned this hadeeth in his bookSAHIH AL BUKHARI; (Eng.): Kitaab As-Sulh(The book of3 Reference: Imaam Muslim has recorded this hadeeth in his book SAHIH MUSLIM (Eng.).-KitaabAs-Salaah (The book of Prayer): Chapter: (309): Shortness of Prayer And Sermon: vol. 1885.4 Reference: Imaam An-Nasaaee recorded the above hadeeth in his book SUNAN NASA’I (Eng.):Kitaab SalaatAI-‘Idain: Chapter: (948): On Delivering of Sermon: vol.
Sweeney todd opening title free download. He also relies heavily on leitmotif - at least twenty distinct ones can be identified throughout the score. Depending on how and where the show is presented, it is sometimes considered an opera.
1581.EXPLANATION OF ‘ UMD ATUL-AHKAAM9peacemaking or reconciliation): Chapter: (5): If some peopleare reconciled on illegal basis, their reconciliation is rejected:vol. 861.‘Irbaad ibn Saariyah reported that the Prophet ( ) said:“Whoever survives me would observe many differences.However, you should follow my sunnah and that of my rightlyguided caliphs. Adhere to it firmly. Avoid innovation,for each innovation is a deviation from Islam.’’Imaam Abu Dawud has mentioned this hadeeth in his bookSUNAN ABU DAWUD (Eng.):Kitaab As-Sunnah (Adherence tothe Sunnah): chapter: (1683): Adherence to Sunnah: vol. 3, p.1294, no. 4590.Sincere intention and worldly actions:Any worldly action like, sleeping, eating food, walking, etc.
If donewith the intention to seek Allaah’s pleasure and done according tothe correct teaching of the Prophet, then such act becomes act ofworship and hence will get reward from Allaah. All kind of gooddone to the relatives or other men or women or any act towardsprogress of Islam, such act is considered as a religious act.HADEETH TWOItjla J 4jiE Alii 0 1.1 (jc.2djjiid iil ol V.i iJjLj U jj2- Narrated Aboo Hurayrah: The Prophet said, 'Allaah does notaccept prayer of anyone of you if he does Hadth (passes wind) tillhe performs the ablution (anew). ” 55 REFERENCE: (2):Imaam Al-Bukhaaree has mentioned this hadeeth in two difference places in his book SAHIH ALBUKHARI; see:A. Kitaab Al-Wudoo (The Book of Ablution): chapter: (2): No prayer is accepted without ablution (i.e.to remove, the small hadath by ablution or the big hadath by taking bath): vol. Kitaab Al- Hiyal (The Book Of Tricks): chapter: (2): Tricks in Prayer: vol. 86.Imaam Muslim has mentioned this hadeeth in his book SAHIH MUSLIM: Book of Purification:Chapter: (94): Purification is Essential for Prayer: vol.
435.Imaam At-Tirmithee has collected this hadeeth in book SUNAN AT-TIRMI TH EE (ARB): Kitaab At-Tahaarah: chapter (56) Ablution due to passing the wind: vol. (Albaanee).EXPLANATION10OF‘UMDATUL-AHKAAMEXPLANATION OF THE FIQH OF THE HADEETH: (2):It is very clear that Allaah does not accept the prayer offeredwithout an ablution. Ablution is compulsory for the prayer.According to all the jurists and Imaams the prayer is invalid if it isoffered without an ablution or offered without Tayammum in case ifwater is not available.
It is same with all kind of prayers, whether itis obligatory prayer or supererogatory prayer.Is it necessary to perform ablution for recitation of theGlorious Qur’aan?There is no authentic hadeeth that has this statement in which it issaid that ablution is must for recitation of the Glorious Qur’aan.Therefore, the prostration on account of recitation outside theprayer can be made without ablution. The ablution is only requiredfor the prayer, hence during the prayer, if one comes across theverse that has prostration than the ablution which was made forthe prayer is enough even for this prostration. Similarly, prostrationon account of thanksgiving does not require ablution. If someonesays against what I said than he must produce the authentichadeeth.The prayer will be considered invalid if the ablution breaksbefore finishing the prayer, just before the salutation:According to some people the prayer will be considered valid if theablution breaks just before the salutation, in the tashahhud. Thereevidence is the following hadeeth:‘Abdullah ibn ‘Amr reported that the Apostle of Allaah as saying:“When the Imaam completes the prayer and sits for recitingtashahhud and then becomes defiled i.e. His ablutionbecomes void before he speaks to one, his prayer becomescomplete. And those who prayed behind him also completethe prayer.
’’Imaam Aboo Daawood has mentioned this hadeeth in his book SUNAN ABU DAWUD: Kitaab At-Tahaarah: (The Book Of Purification): chapter: (32): Ablution is Obligatory for Prayer: vol. 60.Imaam Ahmad Ibn Hambal has collected it in his MUSNAD.EXPLANATION OF ‘UMDATUL-AHKAAM11Reference:Imaam At-Tirmithee has collected the hadeeth in his SUNAN AT-TIRMITHEE: Kitaab As-Salah: chapter: what to do if a personbreaks his ablution in the tashahhud. According to him thisnarration is weak due to its weak chain of narrators, imaam Al-Albaanee has collected this hadeeth in his books DA‘EEF SUNANAT-TIRMITHEE: pp.
63-409, and DA'EEF SUNANABEE DAAWOOD: pp. Also see the footnoteof SUNAN ABU DAWUD (Eng. Trans.): vol.
617,footnote: 275.Al-Khattabi said: This is a weak tradition. The experts of hadeethhave criticized some of its narrators.
This also contradicts all thosesound traditions that indicate that recitation of tashahhud and theutterance of salutation are necessary for prayer. None of the juristshas followed this tradition in its literal sense. Even the Hanafeesholds that it is necessary to sit after the last prostration as long asone recites tashahhud. ‘AWNUL M'ABOOD: vol. 228-9, no.613.No one holds that the prayer is complete immediately after thecompletion of the last prostration. At-Tirmithee also criticized thechain of this tradition. The prayer said to be incomplete if it isfinished before the Tasleem (salutation).
The following hadeeth isclear evidence that the prayer starts with Takbeer and ends withTasleem, if it is offered with complete purification, otherwise theprayer is considered to be incomplete if the ablution breaks beforethe tasleem:It is reported in SUNAN ABU DAWUD (Eng. 61, in which ‘Alee reported the Messenger of Allaah as saying:“ The key to prayer is purification and it begins with Takbeer(Allaahu Akbar) and it ends with Tasleem (Assalaamu‘Alaykum wa Rahmatullaah twice).Reference:Ash Shaykh Al-Albaanee has authenticated this hadeeth inSAHEEH SUNAN ABEE DAAWOOD: 1/15/55-61 and 1/122-3/577-618. Imaam At-Tirmitjiee has collected it in his SUNAN AT-TIRMITHEE in Kitaabut Tahaarah, chapter: (3) no. Imaam IbnMaajah has also collected it in his SUNAN IBN-I-MAJAH: vol. 275.EXPLANATION12OF‘UMDATUL-AHKAAMCONCLUSION:It is very clear from the above hadeeth that the prayer starts withthe takbeer and it ends with tasleem.
This is known as completeprayer otherwise if the prayer is stopped in between due to anyreason it will be considered as incomplete prayer.What to do if the ablution breaks during the prayer:If one breaks his ablution during congregational prayer one shouldhold one’s nose and withdraw. He must renew his ablution andstart his prayer from the very beginning. This is done so that thepeople will understand that the man has become defiled. Theymay think that his nose is bleeding and therefore, they will let himgo.
Ahkam Tajweed
This is one of the best teachings of Islam, that this way onecan hide ones defects without making it common to the public. It isnot to be considered as a lie or showing off instead it is a goodexample of good behaviour and best way to maintain peace andorder in the mosque. There are hadeeths by which one can easilyunderstand the above argument.‘Aaishah reported the Prophet as saying: “When any one of youbecomes defiled during prayer, he should hold his nose andthen turn away.”Reference:Imaam Aboo Daawood has collected it in his SUNAN ABUDAWUD (Eng.J; vol. 1109 and Ash Shaykh Al-Albaanee has sorted it out in his SAHEEH SUNAN ABEEDAAWOOD: vol. 985-1114.‘Alee Ibn Talq reported the Apostle of Allaah as saying: “Whenany of you breaks his ablution during prayer, he mustwithdraw, renew his ablution, and repeat the prayer.”Reference:Imaam Abu Dawud has collected the above hadeeth in his SUNANABU DAWUD (EngJ; vol. According to ShamsulHaqq Azeebaadee in ‘AWNUL M'ABOOD: vol.
242-3, no.202, that this hadeeth is authentic.EXPLANATION OF ‘UMDATUL-AHKAAM13One must restart his prayer from very beginning if his ablution wasdefiled during the prayer and should not restart from where he hasleft his prayer. According to Shamsul Haqq the author of ‘AWNULM‘ABOOD the hadeeth of ‘Alee ibn Talq is stronger than thehadeeth of ‘Aayshah in which it is mentioned that the Prophet hassaid that one must restart his prayer from where he has left due tobreaking of the ablution during prayer. It is weak and no oneamong the scholars has said that it is authentic. The hadeeth is asfollowed:‘Aayshah reported that the Prophet said, “He who suffers fromvomiting or nose-bleed or qals or emotional urethraldischarge, should withdraw the prayer and perform ablutionand then should restart his prayer from the same position ashe left without talking to anybody during this time'.QALS: it means emission of food or drink from the stomachirrespective of the fact whether a man casts this undigestedsubstance out or reverts it to his stomach.Reference:According to Az-Zawaaid, its chain of narrators is weak. Ismaa'eelibn ‘Ayyaash is a weak narrator. His hadeeth is weak.Ash Shaykh Al-Albaanee has collected in his DA'EEF SUNAN IBNMAAJAH: p.89, no. 252-1221 and see its English translation inSUNAN IBN-I-MAJAH: vol.
1221.CONCLUSION:One must restart his prayer from the very beginning; if he hasstopped his prayer somewhere in between due to any reason.HADEETH THREE:L ) (jt jja ( oi )(( Alil ^ fLoll a® ^ '.L^ila )).Lai4- Narrated Aboo Hurayrah: Allaah’s Messenger ( ) said, 'Ifanyone of you performs ablution he should put water in his noseEXPLANATION OF ‘ UMD ATUL-AHKAAM17and then blow it out and whoever cleans his private parts withstones should do so with odd numbers. And whoever wakes upfrom his sleep should wash his hands before putting them in thewater for ablution, because nobody knows where his hands wereduring sleep. ”In the hadeeth collected by Imaam Muslim: that the Messenger ofAllaah ( ) said: ‘‘When anyone amongst you (performs ablution)he must snuff his nostrils with water and then clean them. ”REFERENCE: (4):Imaam Al-Bukhaaree has collected this hadeeth in two differentplaces in his book SAHIH AL BUKHARI: (Eng.) 1/114/162 and163, with different wordings.Imaam Muslim has collected it in his book SAHIH MUSLIM: (Eng.)1/153/458-462, with different wordings.Imaam Aboo Daawood has collected this hadeeth in two differentplaces in his book SUNAN ABU DAWUD: (Eng.): 1/27/103 and105.Important notes on the hadeeth:The wordings of the hadeeth as it is mentioned in the version of‘Umdatul Ahkaam which I have is not matching with any hadeethof SAHIH AL BUKHARI or SAHIH MUSLIM.