Mmana Gal Pro

Posted : admin On 07.10.2019
Mmana Gal Pro Average ratng: 5,0/5 6690 reviews

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If you want more power see MMANA-GAL Pro ($99). EZNEC ($89) or EZNEC Pro 5 ($500). Steve Nichols GOKYA. It is free, it does have limitations in terms of. Freeware MMANA-GAL( basic) provide the means for radio amateurs and other. MMANA-GAL basic & MMANA-GAL Pro by DL1PBD - Alex Schewelew.

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ParametersSegments (max.)up to 450008192Wires (max.)10000512Sources (max.)30064Loads (max.)500100Merged antenna files2 to 4noneUndo/RedounlimitednoneAutocheck wiresyesnoneSpeedof calculation150%100%Copyright. The antenna modeling program MMANA-GALbasic is freeware and co-written by, andwho also owns the copyright. R – l ( lambda) =wavelength (meter). I – 1 inch (meter) 1 inch = 2.54cm. F – foot(meter) 1 ft = 12 inchesExample:R/4= l /45.R/8 = l 5/830.F = 30 feet15.I = 15 inchesAlthough the constants areimmediately calculated by MMANA-GAL, they are not stored in memory. Antenna Element definition- using the Geometry TableInMMANA-GAL there are two ways to define the antenna that is to bemodeled.

The easiest way is to input the antenna coordinatesinthe form of a table. Click on the GeometryTab, this has a an antenna definition tool in a table format like aspreadsheet. With the table, you can define the antennaparameters including wire dimension, sources, and loads (LCRload/termination).EXAMPLE- creating a simple 2 element beam half wave antenna for 20m.(the wire length will be approx 10m overall length).

Placethe cursor to the parameter box and input a numeric value in the 'X'Column e.g. 5 using the keyboard. Press the return key tovalidate the selected value. Noticethat MMANA-GAL auto-completes the rest of the line and even allocates awire radius of 0.8mm.

SegMethodof segmentationPositivevalueManualregular segmentation.use notrecommended.0Automatic regular segmentation.use notrecommended.-1Tapering segmentation. The lengths ofsegments vary from ( l /(SC.DM1))to ( l /DM2). This is recommended(default) setting-2Tapering is applied only to the startingpoint.-3Tapering is applied only to the ending point.Important:Tapering should always be employed even when modeling a simple dipolemodels, using equal segmentation is not considered a good idea.The moment methoddivides an element into pieces, called segments, and calculates thecurrent flow in each segment. The actual number of segmentsandthe method of segmentation strongly influences the calculation'saccuracy.

This is particularly true when an elementisbent (e.g., loop antenna). In this case the element has to besegmented into smaller pieces, but only around the bendingpointof the element. This is achieved by using fine tapering.Tapering is one ofthe methods that improves the calculation accuracy.

It divides theelement section near the bending point into small segments, but dividesthe other sections (straight sections) into large segments. If all theelements were divided into small segments, the computation timeincreases considerably. Tapering using a small number of segments on aa straight element will produce accurate results.Be careful whensetting the SEG parameter with values of -2 or -3forpartial tapering, as the pulse may not be generated at the center ofthe element. This can occur when an antenna element ismodeled astwo or more elements each with different radii.

Avoiding theuseof these two values will prevent fatal errors.How MMANA-GAL SegmentationProcess OperatesInitiallya segment is selected in any element ( the selectedelement), then the smallest distance of this segment to any otherelement's segments or ground is determined (D). Next, thesmallest distance of the selected element's segment to its adjacentsegments is also determined (d). However, these have to comply with therule D d for any segments in any of the antenna'selements. DM1: the start interval fortapering (= lambda / DM1.EC). DM2: the final interval fortapering end (= lambda / (SC.DM2)).

SC:the easing parameter (multiplier), 1 4:1 the accuracy will be poor.The calculationspeed can be improved by using smaller values of DM1& DM2than those shown above. With small values the calculation error tendsto be smallin the Gainand F/B ratio,but is relatively largein the Impedance(jX).So its generally recommended that the trade-off between speed andaccuracy is first considered before any changes are made. Guide to calculation accuracyThereis no exact criterion to judge the calculation accuracy. Agoodguide is to check how the impedance is affected by increasingordecreasing the number of segments. If the impedance change is small themodel is correct.Alternatively,check the current distribution in the antenna view window. Smoothcurrent distribution indicates that the model is correct.The lambda check-boxWhenthis box is ticked, MMANA-GAL recalculates all the dimensions in thedefinition with respect to wavelength. A 20m half wave dipole with two5.13m long elements will be re-calculated as having two elements thatare 0.242296m long.

This is called the wavelength mode. When the box isnot checked, MMANA-GAL uses 'metre' as the unit for dimension and'millimeter' as the unit for the radius.Internally theMMANA-GAL program uses metric measurements for all its functions. Tore-scale an antenna that has been defined in wavelengths for anotherfrequency it is necessary to use Geometry Tab tool bar EDIT drop-downmenu Wire Scale function.Inthe above 20m dipole example the elements are 0.242296m long, if the7.05 MHz option frequency is selected, MMANA-GAL re-calculates theelements to be 10.30333m long. This will be seen when the lambda checkbox is not checked. The Keep connectedcheck-boxWhen checked, the Keep connected box,ensures that the dimensions of all elements connected to the targetelement can be re-scaled, without losing the connection to thetarget element. Otherwise, it would be very difficult to design a Yagior loop antennas if all of the element X-Y-Zcoordinateshave to be changed every time.Sources (Feeding point).

PulsPulse position. Use the following convention for definingpulse positions.W#C(#) Offset from the center of the wire.W#B(#) Offset from the beginning position of the pulseassignment on the wire.W#E(#) Offset from the ending position of the pulse assignment on thewire.Phasedeg.Phase of feeding, deg.Volt.VVoltage of feeding, V.Example:. W1CCenter of wire 1. W3C1One point ahead of the center of wire 3. W2C-2Two points behind of the center of wire 2. W2BThe beginning position of wire 2.

W5E3Three points behind of the ending position of wire 5Usually,the Phase is set to zero (0) for an antenna with one source. Forantennas that use phase driven elements (e.g.,135 degree phased drivenHB9CV), put 135 as the Phase value at the second source.The absolute valueof the Voltage is not important, but it affects the relative amplitudeof the current distribution shown in View in the Geometry Tab.Loads (lumped-constant)To define the pulse position, use the same convention asthe source. Defining loads: move the mouse pointer Typecell, and hit the return key or left click the mouse. Apop-up menu will appear with C,R+jX, or S.Using the mouse again left click on the load that isrequired, this will then appear in the TYPEcell that was selected. When defining an LCload's parameters, L is specified in (uH), C(pF),and Q as number. To define a coil specify L,and put Cto zero (0).

To define a capacitorspecify C,and put L. Tozero (0). Put 0 to Qif L or C has no loss,or real value of the Q if Lor C has loss.WhereL and C create a parallel tuned trap.MMANA-GAL automatically calculates and displays the resonantfrequency for the given values of Land C. Once you have defined the tuned trap, MMANA-GALwill automatically change either the L orC value, while keeping thesame resonant frequency constant ( ResonanceKeeping function ), whenever C or Lischanged.STOPPINGTHE AUTOMATIC RESONANCE FUNCTION: Set the valueof L or Cto zero ( 0) to stop the automatic resonance keeping function. Torestore the function reinsert the vales for L or C. LC Load CalculationsFor LC Loads the program automatically calculates themissing value of Frequency, L or C value from any two parameters.MANNA-GALassumes the value of Q to be Zero, but this can be changedafterthe Frequency, L or C values have been calculated.N.B.

A very high Q is usually indicative of a low losssituation. R+jX LoadThisis specified under the TYPE column with a left click of the mouse.

Whenselecting R+jX, the row definitions change to show PULSE,TYPE =R+jX, R(OHM), jX(OHM).Toindicate capacitive reactance remember to put a minus sign (-) in frontof the value. This can be used to specify a termination or some otherunusual reactance that needs to be modeled. Complicated LoadThis is specified under the TYPEcolumn with a left click of the mouse. When selecting Sthe row definitions change to show A0, B0, A1,B1 etc in theseries ( A0 - Anand B0 - ) for the load. The Nth parameteris automatically defined as the input point.The S parameters can be obtained by applying theLaplacetransformation to the lumped-constant circuit (S = j ω).N.B ' ω' is omega or 2pi. f o.The coefficients of the numerators are A0 - An and those of thedenominator are B0 - Bn.Z = R+LS+(1/CS) 1 + RC.S + CL.S 2The Laplace form of the equationabove is:Z = R+j ω L+(1/jω C) - R+SL+(1/SC)Therefore,you can simulate this with A0=1, A1=RC, A2=CL, B0=0, B1=C,B2=0(or A0=1/C, A1=R, A2=L, B0=0, B1=1, B2=0). The units for R, C and L arein ohms, F, and H, respectively.

The absolute values with these unitstend to be very small, therefore the exponential notation isrecommended e.g. A capacitor with a value of 20pF is expressedas20. 10 -12 = 2x10 -11.Thesame results will be obtained for all the calculations using either theS parameter or R+jX, because they represent the same lumped-constantload. However, since R+jX is frequency dependent, using this method toanalyze a multi-band antenna can be difficult.

Samples load are given in thefollowing models:. Loading coil VDP40B.MAA in directory.ANTSHORTL.

Loading capacitor MAGLOOP.MAA,MAGLOOPC.MAAin directory.ANTSHORTMagnetic loops. Trap MULTDPH.MAA, MULTDPHW.MAA in directory.ANTHF multibandsTrap. Resistor termination T2FD.MAA,RHOMBIC.MAA, ABW1.MAA in directory.ANTHF aperiodic. S parameter MCQM.MAA in directory.ANTHF multibandsLC in antennaPulse assignmentPulsesare assigned to the wires in the order of the wire definition. A pulseis not assigned to the unconnected end of an independent wire. If thiswire, on the other hand, is connected to another wire, a pulse isassigned to the end point.

However, in the special case where a wirehas its Z-axis value defined as zero (0), a pulse is assigned to thatpoint (a vertical antenna is a typical example).Be careful whenmodeling current direction at the source. Look at the example belowwith four wires. This is similar to the method for feeding a doubledoublet or twin delta loop. In such cases, the source is placedcentrally on a short wire between two sets of wires, as shown in thediagram.Antenna viewOpensa new window displaying the image of the antenna file. The currentdistribution is calculated and superimposed on the image. Verticalcurrent components are shown in Redand horizontal in Blue.Select a wireAspecific wire can be selected by either using the up/down arrows of thespin box, or by left clicking on the wire.

The selected wire will beredrawn in bold.Each new wireselection is highlighted in the GEOMETRY window by a dotted rectanglein the X1 column of the WIRE DEFINITION table. For complicated antennamodels, this method is very useful for identifying individual wiresprior to changing any definitions. Zoom CurrentsTheslide control is used to magnify the size of the currents shownsuperimposed on the antenna image. It is necessary to perform atleast one calculation in order to display the currents.

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ZoomThis slide control proportionally magnifies the wholeantenna image and superimposed currents. Pop-up Menusleftclick anywhere on the screen to activate the pop-up menu of the WireDefinition Editor, which can be used to amend selected wiredetails.Right clickingdisplays another pop-up menu, in which you can change the antenna'sposition, add/delete a source, move the wire etc. RotateSelectone of the radio buttons at the top of the screen ( Selected Wire,Middle Point of the antenna, or X=0 Y=0 Z=H). Press and hold the leftmouse button to rotate the antenna image around the selected axis.

CTRL+Left ClickTo reposition the antenna image anywhere on the Viewscreen Currents Check boxCheckthis box to superimpose the current distribution on the antenna wires.N.B. It is necessary to perform at least one calculation in order todisplay the currents. Vertical current components are shown in Red and horizontal currents in Blue.UsefulHint: It is often helpful to look at the modeled current distributionas any unexpected deviations or irregular wave shapes may indicate aneed to re-check the wire definition, wire connection or segmentation Segments Check boxCheck this box to display the segmentation points. Thiscan be of help when verifying tapering.CalculateTheMININEC3 algorithm relies on real ground parameters to calculate thefar field and the subsequent beam pattern.

The impedance (Z)calculation also assumes a perfect conductiveground.Consequently, for antennas that are Options and Setup.Click on the Setup tab, the anglecan be changed in Rear Range of F/B.Ga represents the absolute gain.Gh is derived simply by substituting2.15dB from Ga. Gh is not displayed if the ground option is included.Inorder to simulate two or more types of ground, additional X-distance orR-radius and height parameters will be required for each type.

Theoption in MININEC to apply a virtual ground, is also available inMMANA-GAL. The ground condition parameters are only used forcalculating the far electric field (beam pattern).To change the ground option, select the REALradio button in the Ground panel. Left click on the Ground setup buttonto bring up the Real ground setup window Set the dielectricconstant and conductivity (mS/m) to reflect the actual ground.

Theheight of the first ground type should be 0. To add another ground typeuse the Next button. The Wire Scale tool can be selectedfrom the EDIT menuNB. There is no short cut for this tool.Thetool can be used to enlarge or reduce the size of the antenna. This isvery useful when re-scaling an existing antenna design to a differentfrequency. The re-scaled antenna may require additional fine tuning.Note that the Search & Replacetool (see above) does not rescale any loads. This must be doneseparately.

The load design tool can be selected from the SERVICEmenu Options and Setup or by rightclicking on the toolbox icon on the Toolbar. TUNINGAN ANTENNA MODELTooptimize an antenna quickly and accurately when the calculated resultsindicate that the model is not as required, use the following method.Thisexample is for a centre fed 12m dipole 10m above ground for a designfrequency of 14.15MHz. In MMANA-GAL Y1 is set to6m and Y2 is set to +6m, over a Real Ground. 1. Inthe Calculate window press the startbutton. The results should show an SWR of 11.5:1.

2. Leftclick on the PLOTS button at the bottom of thewindow. In the Plots pop-up window click on the Ztab and left click on the RESONANCEbutton. 3.A new pop-up window will appear with ' write current frequencyto the table F,SWR, gain,Z '. Left clickon YES.MMANA-GALl will run several sets of calculationsand draw graphs for F,SWR, gain,Z.

Mmana Antenna Software

4.On the Impedance plot note the off-tune frequency when the jXvalue is a minimum. I.e zero (0). This is at 12.262 MHz. 5.Return to the Geometry screen and enter 12.262MHz in the Frequency boxat the top right side of the screen. Click the Calculation Tab.

6.The Calculation Screen should be showing 12.262. Run thecalculation again, the SWR will now show 1.85:1.

7.On the Tool bar click EDITthen wire scale. In the wire scale pop up window enter14.15MHzand then close the window and return to the Calculationscreen.The frequency should be showing 14.15MHz. 8. Runthe calculation again, the SWR should now be1.55:1 The antenna has now been tuned.Round valueThisfunction is used to reduce the number of decimal places that are shownfor the dimensions and calculated values. The program caters for 2 to 5digits.Round works on all the parameters including wire coordinates,radius, and lumped-constant load. Stacing two or moreantennasMMANA-GALhas a special function that copies the original antenna, and will stackthe antenna(s) either in a vertical or horizontal array.

It isadvisable to first save the original antenna.maa with a new file name.This is because once the stack has been created using the Makenew description as new antenna button, there is no way toundo the result.To access this special function go to the Tool Bar selectEDIT, and then click on Make Stack. Thepop up window shown below will appear.

STACKING OPTIONSA good example to experiment with is the MMANA-GAL VHF6m Beam - model 6el Yagi.maaCopies of the AntennaInthe following explanation Basic-el refers to the original antenna thatis being stacked. The Make Stack tool allows the Basic-el to bestacked in multiples of 1-8 in the horizontal plane and of 1-8 in thevertical pane.N.B. The total number of antennas must not be greaterthan 64.TheMMANA-GAL drop down menu offers 1,2,4 or 8 copies but an intermediatenumber can be entered by backspacing over the number and entering a newvalue.The stacking canordered horizontally, vertically or by both planes simultaneously. Theresults can be checked by clicking on the View Tab.However, to return back to the 'Stacking'tool you have to go to theTool Bar select EDIT, and click on MakeStack.You can overwrite the values in the Num of Horizontalor Num of Vertical boxes.Cancel is used to exit the Make Stack tool.Antenna SpacingThe antennas are spaced in term of wavelength ( WL)either as a number ( 1.25) or as measurement 5.936 metres.

The spacingof the antennas in the horizontal and vertical planes can be changed ifnecessary. The Hor space = Vert space check box is used to maintainspacing symmetry.Vertical Position ( offset from theorigin 0,0,0,)The resulting stacked antenna model can be seen usingthe VIEWTab, and is displayed with the X,Y and Z axissuperimposed. MMANA-Gal offers three choices for the 'stacked'array which can be selected by using the mouse. Stack around original place. Thischoice centralises the stack about the the origin 0,0,0. Stack at original place and above.This choice displays the stack above the origin 0,0,0.

Stack at original place and below.Thischoice displays the stack below the origin 0,0,0To make your stacked design permanent, push the Makenew description as new antenna button in the Stackwindow. However once this done it is impossible to revert back to theoriginal design, i.e. The first step, is to set a minus value for the R(radius) of the element.The next step, is to define the followingparameters. R (mm)– Pointer to the definition - must be minus. Type–Type of combination (e.g., center point, starting point).

L0 - L9– Length of each element. R0 - R9– Radius of each elementWhenever MMANA-GAL finds a minus value (-) in the' Rfield', it looks for the definition of Rin the combination wire list. If two or more definitions have the same R,it uses the first one. You can move the selected wire to any direction parallelwith X-, Y-, or Z-axis.OptimizationAutomatically optimizes theantenna giving consideration to various parameters.

Selectthe Optimization in the view menu or push the Optimizationbuttonin the calculation window to open the optimization window. The goals ofthe optimization are:.

Minimize the jX (getthe antenna resonant). Minimize the SWR.

Maximize the gain. Maximize the F/B ration. Minimize the elevationof the beam. Matching circuit.

Maximize or minimize the currentInmost cases, these parameters are in the 'trade-off' condition. You canselect the parameters that you focus on using the slide bars in the topof the window. As you slide the bar to right, the selected target isprioritized.

As you slide the bar to the left end, the target isignored.If you check the Nogoal set box,MMANA-GAL simply sweeps the parameters regardless of the state of theslide bars. MMANA-GALincrements the parameter from the current value tothe Max value. This is useful to observe the antenna behavior from theviewpoint of the height or frequency.Push the Advancedbutton to set the target at length.

Assume that you are happy if theantenna has 20 dB F/B ratio. Put 20 in the F/B ratio box.MMANA-GALattempts to optimize the other parameters if the antennaalready has 20 or more F/B ratio.Push the Band setting buttonto get the dialog box, with which you can specify the band frequencyand the source. This is useful for optimizing a multi-band antenna. Indefault, MMANA-GALtries only one band and source as specified.Matching circuit is one of the hairpin match, capacitance match, andany Z.

The hairpin match has minus jX (capacitive) and the capacitancematch has plus jX (inductive).Current optimization attempts tomaximize or minimize the specified pulse point.The antenna parameters thatMMANA-GAL changes during the optimization procedure are:. Wire coordinate and radius. Wire length, azimuth, and zenith (in polarcoordinates). Element width, perimeter, and radius. Parameters of lumped-constant load. Antenna height. Frequency.

Voltage and phase of the source. Stack spaceYou can set the parameters above as up to 128 variables. Hit return keyor click on the type field to display the type selection pop-up menu.Hit return key on the what field to pop the menu up. Input a valuemanually to other fields.Wire coordinate and radiusThese are most basic variables.

You can change the X1, X2, Y1, Z1, Y2,Z2, and R of the wire. If the specified wire changes its coordinates,the connected wires also changes together to keep them connected. Thismethod should be useful for the fine-tuning. Unit is always meter. the element number.Wire length,azimuth, and zenith (in polar coordinates)You can change the wire length and angle with respect to the referencepoint in the polar coordinates. This is useful for optimizing thelength or the angle of the inverted V and V beam. It should be notedthat you must not set the element position or space as the variable ifyou change the X-axis.

MMANA-GALdoes not prevent it but may not updatethe optimized results.When the coordinate of thewire is changed, the connected wire moves together with it. Is thewire number. The step unit is meter or degree.ElementThe parameters that define the element can be set as the variable inthe optimization. For a yagi antenna, for example, they are the elementspace, position, and width. For a loop antenna, they are space,positio, perimeter, etc.

Is the element number. Unit is alwaysmeter.Lumped-constant loadLC or R+jX can be set as the variable. If you want to change two loadsin both ends of the element (e.g., loading DP or trapped yagi), you canuse 'association function.' If both L and C arespecifiedin the definition, MMANA-GALtreats them as a trap and keeps theresonance frequency unchanged. For example, if L is increased,MMANA-GALautomatically decreases C.

Is thenumber of lumped-constant loads. Unit of L is uH. Unit if C is pF. Unitof R is Ohm.Antenna heightUnit of the variable ismeter.FrequencyUnit is MHz.

If yourtarget antenna is a multi-bander, do not use the frequency as thevariable.SourceMMANA-GAL changes thephase and voltage of the sources. Is thenumber of source.

Unit of the phase is degree. Unit of the voltage isV.Stack spaceUnit is meter. If you setspace in the what box, the vertical andhorizontal spaces are changed at the same time.AssociationIf you put 0 to the association box, the parameter changes freely as anindependent variable. If you put a plus number, it is assumed to havethe same variable that the number points to. If you put a minus number,it is assumed to have the same variable negated that the number pointsto.

You can put a simple equation, too. The operators supported hereare +, -,., and /. It works like a primary spreadsheet.Examples ofassociation0 Not associated (independent variable)1 Associated with variable 1 (the samevalue of variable1 is put there)-5 Associated with negated variable 5 (-variable5)1.1.05 Associated with variable1.1.05 (variable1.

Mmana antenna model

1.05)2-1.5 Associated with variable2-1.5 (variable2 - 1.5)-3+1.2 Associated with 1.2 - variable-3If you optimize the positions of the traps of amulti-banddipole, you should want to move two traps proportionally to the centerof the antenna. You define two variables, Y1 and Y2, which specify thetrap positions.

The center of the dipole must be Y = 0. Define Y1 as anindependent variable (association of Y1 = 0), and Y2 as Y1's negatedvalue (association of Y2 = -1). You can make use of theautomatic association by right click at the variable box. MMANA-GALmakes a guess what should be the target of the association.Thismethod can be used to move the center wire of hentenna or tri-hatantenna.Pitchspecifies the minimum step of variable change in either an absolutevalue or a percentage.

Large pitch makes the convergence fast but willnot reach the best result.Min and Maxdefines the range of the variable. The variable does not become smallerthan Min or larger than Max. You could specify other variable with #followed by the variable number. If you put #1 in the Maxbox for example, the Max value is set the value of variable 1.If you do not put Maxvalue to the element space of Uda-Yagi antenna, MMANA-GAL might giveyou much larger space than you expected. If you do not put Minto the width or perimeter, MMANA-GAL might shrink one of five elementsof Uda-Yagi antenna and configure a four-element Uda-Yagi antenna as aresult. It is a good idea to see how the antenna dimension is beingchanged in the antenna view window during the optimization.Push the Delete button todelete the variable where the cursor resides.Push the All element buttonto make MMANA-GAL add all the parameters to the optimization variablelist.

If the space check box is checked, the element space is used. Ifnot, the absolute position of the element is used.Push the Element editbutton to start an element selection view. Move the cursor to thevariable that you want to vary in the optimization procedure, and pushthe OK button. MMANA-GAL registers the variable fortheoptimization. The variable marked with.

is already registered. If youwant to do this with the 3-D view, select the wire selection tab. Clickthe wire you want to add as a variable. Push the OKbutton. The wire already registered as a variable is shown in red.Step in absolute values: ifchecked, put an absolute value to the pitch.

If not checked, put apercentage value.Resolution 2 degrees:MMANA-GAL calculates the beam pattern every 2 degrees. It shortens thecalculation time, but degrades the accuracy particularly for thehigh-frequency antenna with a ground.Display log: the intermediatestates of the optimization procedure are displayed in the log window.Push the Startbutton to start the optimization. Even during the optimization, you cansee the wire definition, the antenna view, or the far field pattern inreal time. Note that the MMANA-GAL is dedicated to the optimization;the response of the mouse should be very slow.Needless to say, MMANA-GAL works on the Windows operating system, soyou can do another job even during the optimization. You could executetwo MMANA-GAL at the same time. You can run the optimization in onewindow and design an antenna in the other window. Optimization logTheoptimization routine would not always judge the result, which onethinks the best, is the best.

This might be due to the fact that therate of evaluation is different from that the designerexpects.You can read the optimization log by pushing the Optimization logbutton at the bottom of the Optimization window. It shows up to 128latest steps of the optimization. You can select one of the steps andget it back to the optimization window so that you can manually pickout the optimization result you think bestTips on the optimizationChangingone parameter at a time to maximize the target value and repeating itfor other parameters as well, gives fast convergence and good results.Thisprocedure, however, would not always give the real optimized solutionthat the one-by-one method gives. It could terminate the optimizationjust after finding a local minimum. If you are not satisfied with theresult, change the parameter manually and retry the optimization.Theresult could depend on the parameter order. MMANA-GAL attempts theoptimization by changing No.

1 parameter first and then does No.2parameter. It is a good idea to put the most effective parameter in thefirst place of the variable parameter list.Pursuingthe gain often results in the low impedance. The very low impedancemakes the sustainable bandwidth narrow, and the wire loss cannot beignored. It is difficult to implement the very low impedance antenna inthe real world. Consider SWR in the optimization for obtainingreasonable results.Ifyou put two or more bands, MMANA-GAL attempts the optimization ineach band and sums up the evaluation rates. Only the first feedinginformation is displayed.Tokeep the performance even in the band edge, put the band edge frequencyas well. However, it increases the calculation time for theconvergence.

I am not sure if you could achieve good results.In case of Uda-Yagi antenna, the moment method is weak in thecalculation speed, so I recommend you use another analyzing tool thatuses the electromotive force method. Optimization goals- If your goal is ZPush Options menu, select Optionsand setup, click on the Setup tab, and input R andjX in the Standard SWR pane. Set the target to the SWRminimization and start the optimization.Another way to this is: push Optionsmenu, select Optimization, push Advancebutton, select Goaltab, check Optional Z,and put your R and jX. Set the target to the matching circuitandstar the optimization. Do not set the target to SWR or jX.- If your goal is RPush Service menu, select Optimization, push Advance button, select Goaltab, check Optional Z,and put your R. Set the target to the matching circuit andstar the optimization.

Do not set the target to SWR or jX.- If your goal is jXPush Service menu, selectOptimization, push Advance button,select Goal tab, check Optional Z, and put your jX. Set the target to the matching circuitand star the optimization. Do not set the target to SWR or jX.- If your goal is to get thevoltage fed antenna resonantPush Options menu,select Optimization, push Advancebutton, select Goal tab, check Optional Z,and put 10000 to R. Set the target to the matching circuitand star the optimization. You may put a little value to jX.

In case ofthe end-fed antenna, put. to jX.Note:If you put. in R or jX, the marked value are not taken intoconsideration in the evaluation.-If your goal is beam patternPush Service menu,select Optimization, push Advancebutton, select Environment tab, put 180 to Azimuth,and put 90 to Vertical. Set the slider bars of theGain and F/B rates around the center, input your SWR, and start theoptimization.- If your goal is a broad bandantennaSet two or three frequency spots as thebands in theBand setting window. It is recommended to minimize SWR rather than jXbecause R will not vary much (set SWR to the target beforehand).- If you want to keep the boomlengthUse the element position as a variable.Bear in mindthat you have to keep the front-end and back-end elements fixed.

Inother words, you use the positions of the elements except for these twoelements.To automatically register the elementposition as a variable, you should uncheck the Distance from the activeelement box in the Edit element window. All elements button in theoptimizationWhen you pushthe All elements button in the optimizationwindow, MMANA-GAL automatically uses the following parameters asvariables: Loop length, space (or position), Width, length, X-width,space (or position).MMANA-GAL analyzesthe relative positions of the elements and assigns the variables in theorder of the radiator, reflector, and directors (d1-dn).If two ormore elements have the identical X-axis value, they are assumed to beconnected. MMANA-GALmakes them associated. If an element has two ormore variables in the width, length, and X-width, MMANA-GALasks theuser how they should be treated (a dialog box appears).MMANA-GAL does notautomatically make association between the elements that have differentX values. In such a case, right click on the optimization window to getthe pop-up menu, select the element association. You can makeassociation the element with the other element that have different Xvalue. This technique would be useful for the antennas, such as asurface antenna, which has many elements in the same size and space.When you pushthe All elements button, MMANA-GALputs a typical value to the pitch.You may change the value as you like.

The pop-up menu provides a meansto give the identical pitch to the all variables. Resonance frequencyof the elementIt should be useful forthe antenna construction to have theresonance frequency of each element by using the antenna simulation.Put the source to the target element. Set thefrequency asthe variable and set jX to the goad. JX = 0 indicates the resonance, sothe obtained frequency is the resonance frequency.

Coil enables you to design an air-cored coil based:. Coil diameter. Coil length.

Wire turns. Wire diameter & spacing of turns. Inductance requiredMMANA-GALpopulates the template with some default dimensions, and the inductanceit has calculated for resonance. If the default dimensions are notappropriate e.g wire size is too small, the new value can be enteredand MMANA-GAL will automatically re-calculate with the newvalues.Please note that thetemplate can used on its own to design any single layer coil byentering the required values in the various fields.The requiredcalculation is selected by the Computation Box.Note, however, that this calculation is not completelyaccurate and some level of error can be expected. LC matchThe LC matching circuit, is a design that is often usedwith short ( with respect to a 1/4wave) wire antenna.

Itis worth noting that a small value of the reactance (a few ohms)behaves more like a short circuit., and that a large value of thereactance ( 1000 ohms ) behaves more like a open circuit (insulator ). This matching circuit is often used in automatic tuner(ATU designs, where combinations of L & C are switched intocircuitusing microprocessor controlled relays until the SWR isminimized.MMANA-GAL ignoresany loss in R, also generally speaking the larger the value of L (uH)or C (pF) the larger the loss. L should NOT have a much larger loss(dB) than C, consequently the value L (uH) should be kept as small aspossible to maximize efficiency. Line match (SERIES-SECTIONTRANSFORMERS)The series section transformer has advantages over thestub-tuning or1/4 wave transformer and is similar to the 1/4 wave transformer, whichis a special case series section transformer.The main differences being:.

the matching section does not need to be a locatedat the load. the matching section can be.

Thistool is used for the calculation of impedance, Q-match section and aseries-matching section using a distributed-constant circuit (e.g., aladder feeder and a coaxial cable). The impedance is calculated byobtaining the impedance of the output end of the feeder with respect tothe impedance of the input end. To make use of this process, theantenna impedance can be measured by using a coaxial cable of arbitrarylength and a noise bridge.

The SWR is reduced if there is a loss in thetransmission line, the theory will be explained in most antennahandbooks.The Q-match sectioncalculates the lengths of the two series-section transmission lines,when the TUNE button is clicked with the mouse. The lengths are thosethat will result in a minimum SWR with respect to the input end(Ri).MMANA-GAL assumes ano loss transmission line. The impedances at the center and input endof the line are displayed in the impedance boxes at the top of thewindow. The line length (L) is measured in wavelengths, and may requirecorrection based on the velocity factor of the feeder to calculate thephysical length. Line match 2This is a combination of a shorted stub and an open-stubconnected inparallel at the feed point to match the Input impedance Zi. It isuseful to think of this arrangement as two section of transmissionline, a capacitance (open-section) and an inductance (shorted section)of lines connected in parallel.

Thecombination Stub match is calculated using the following parameters; ZLfor the load (antenna) impedance, Zo for the feeder impedance ofsections L1 and L2, and Zi for input impedance to the radio ortransceiver.The SWR iscalculated on a basis of the feeder impedance Zi. Please note thatMMANA-GAL assumes no loss transmission lines. In practice the finalvalues of L1 and L2 will be affected by transmission line's velocityfactor (Vf) and additional losses specified at various frequencies bycable manufacturers.Push TUNE button tocalculate the L1 and L2 that give the minimum SWR. TheStub tool caters for the most commonly used twin-feed transmissionlines and coaxial cables in a special look-up table within MMANA-GAL.The line that is required can be selected using the mouse on the Typeof Line drop down window. The example above shows the line as RG213 andhas automatically inserted the stored value for Vf as 0.67, and theCharacteristic impedance Z0 as 50 Ohms.Stub Tool alsocalculates the frequency that the calculated matching length is a1/4wavelength, in the example shown 59.37cm is a quarter wave at84.587MHz.MMANMMANA-GALfilesDirectory.MMANA-GALANT is the antenna library. This directory has approx.400.maa files sorted into thematic directories. In fact, the libraryis a good antennae reference book, and is also a good place to startgetting to know the MMANA-GAL modeling program.

New users should tryexploring the library and trying out a few of the models to see how thevarious functions of the program work. But remember not to save anyfiles with the same name just in case the file gets modified-'corrupted' and is no longer correctly optimized etc.maa – Antenna definitionfile123is a simple text file recording the wire definition, sources,lumped-constant loads, etc. This file can be viewed andeditedwith an external editor such as Windows' Notepad.

Theparameterformats are self-explanatory.mab – result fileMMANA-GAL allows users to save the results of Calculationsin a special file ( antenna name.mab).Bydefault the.mab file is stored in the same directory as the antennafile. Note that if this is a new antenna project it is advisable tofirst save the file in a suitable directory in the MMANA-GAL Librarye.g C.MMANA-GAL-GALANTmy antennas/.Old and new antenna models can be compare graphically byusing the.mab file in conjunction with the latestcalculation results. The toolwill initially display the antenna's far field plots for the latestcalculation and, by uploading previously saved results in the 'antenna'.mabfile, the willsuperimpose the old results onto the plots and provide a visualcomparison of the before and after of any changes.Note:1. The.mab is a binary file recording the calculationresults. The file cannot be edited.2. However it can be overwritten and deleted if Windowsexplorer is used.mao – OptimizationsheetThisis a binary file recording the optimization results, and cannot beedited. It records the optimization history, with which youcanretrieve the previous optimization results.csv – current fileThisis a text file recording the currents and their phases relating to thepulse number and coordinates.

Mmana Gal Pro

The file isin CSV(Comma Separated Value) format, and can be imported and read using aspreadsheet program, such as Microsoft Excel.Each row consists of the followingparameters. Wire number, Pulse number, X, Y, X, Current (real), Current(imaginary), Current (absolute), phase. Units are:. X,Y, ZmetreCurrentAmperePhase.

Degree.csv – Far field datafileA text file (CSV format) recording the absolute gain with respect tothe azimuth and zenith. Each row consists of the followingparameters: Zenith, Azimuth, Vertical polarization, Horizontalpolarization, V+H. Units of them are:.Azimuth, ZenithdegreeGaindBi.csv – Frequencycharacteristics data fileA text file (CSV format) recording the R, jX,SWR, Ga, and F/B.SetupRear range of the F/B ratioThis specifies the range of rear angle used for the F/Bratio calculation.Toenable the rear lobe in the range +/- 60 degrees insert 120 for theAzimuth. Any value between 0 and 359 can be used. For instance the sidelobes could be taken into consideration by setting the value to270.From a verticalperspective, MMANA-GAL searches the lobes to identify the peak point ofthe front beam.

If Vertical value is not set to zero, MMANA-GALsearches the lobes from zero degrees to the specified angle towards theback of the antenna. Any value between 0 and 179, can be used, allowingthe high-angle front lobes as the F/B ratio to be displayedStandard Z for SWR calculationThe impedance for the SWR calculation.

The default is50 Ohm.Usingthis, you can see the SWR with a matching circuit. In this case,however, the matching circuit has a very broad characteristic in termsof frequency, and therefore the SWR is different from the actualvalue.Push the Hairpin matchbutton and input the target Z value to calculate jX of the hairpinmatch. If you want to use a capacitive match, input a plus jX. Ineither case, the target Z must be greater than the reference R.Current display - Specify directionDisplays the current direction in the antenna viewwindow.MMANA-GAL will not always give the correct direction, asthis depends on the antenna configuration.Last files (menu)Thenumber of file names shown in the File drop down menu.

The MMANA-GALonly check-box controls what is displayed in the MMANA antenna filedirectories.When the box is not checked the.mab and.mao filesare also displayed.Maximum pulsesMaximum pulse number that MMANA-GAL can use. Thesoftware auto detects the amount of free RAM in thePC.The amount of memory required to store the impedancematrix. For calculation 8192 pulses required 512MB free RAM.Customizing UserlanguageMMANA-GAL can display labels and programmessages in your native language. Follow theseinstructions:. 1. With a text editor open the'mmnlanguage.txt' file in the/MMANAGAL/Language/ directory. This file contains alistof available languages.

At the end of the file add yourintended language file, you can use any name but the extensionmust be.mmn for example 'belorusskij.mmn'. 2. Openthe file russian.mmn or english.mmn (or whichever of the other.mmnlanguage files you understand) and use the 'save as' option to save itwith the file name that you added to the 'mmnlanguage.txt' file as in1.

The recommendation is to use Russian or English 'mmn'filesas these should be more up to date. 3. Online 1, change the existingWindows character set to the character set of your language. 4. Startingfrom line 7,you will see a list consisting of a single keywordplus a space, followed by a word/phrase. DO NOTamend the keyword as it is used internally by MMANA-GAL.Substitute the English or Russian word/phrase with thecorresponding word/phrase in the language of your choice.

This is a bigfile, save regularly!. 5. StartMMANA-GAL and chose your language from the Toolbarmenu Service– LanguageThat’s it; MMANA-GALshould be available in your language.

If your language is notdisplayed in the Language option, check for errorsin the'mmnlanguage.txt' file.Asimilar procedure can also be performed if you find a typingerror or an expression which looks not perfect for you. In this casesimply amend the unsatisfactory expression in the.mmn file.Take a note, you can onlytranslate the MMANA-GAL language into the desired one if you run arespective language Windows system. Download MMANA-GAL. (free2,62 MB, current version

If you want to make basic MMANA-GAL available from yourwebsite, please use download link above or link to the. ordering.CounterMMANA-GAL basic downloaded.:. English version 124129 times. Russian version 93783 times.

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